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How Can our Internally Certified and Experienced Career Counsellor Help You ?

Our Career Counsellor are Certified Global Career Counsellor from University of California, Los Angeles, USA and International Certified Career Coach by CDA, USA and having experience of more than 40 years in various fields. Take guidance to your child towards a Bright Future.


Psychometric Assessment is three stage process –


  • There are Eight vital kinds of Intelligence and identify Intelligence type by using some simple questions based on Multiple Intelligence Theory of Harvard University (USA) Professor Howard Gardner

  • Walter Mackenzie breaks down the eight Intelligences in to three domains and to identify correct domain by using simple questions based on Theory of Walter Mackenzie, USA.

  •  R.I.A.S.E.C. Theory known as Holland’s Theory formulated by John L. Holland to identify the correct personality type. This model has been adopted by U.S. Department of Labor for categorizing jobs relative to interests.  


Why Should  Every Student Take Psychometric Tests ?

Psychometric test help students to get tom know their strengths and weaknesses better. through a set of simple questions or queries , psychometric tests try to understand an individual capabilities. 

Educational Toys
The childhood desire of being a Doctor or Engineer may no longer be so strong after Class 8.


Child at Psychologist

Internal discovery

By taking the psychometric tests, students are able to discover their actual interests, skills and aptitude.
Girl at the female therapist

Proper Guidance

With the nature of student revealed, counsellors are able to guide them towards the right direction.

Right Choice

Through the process a student is able to find the true calling and follow the right career path.
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Carving a Personalized Career Path for Every Student.

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The childhood desire of being a Doctor or Engineer may no longer be so strong after Class 8.


Teachers are able to guide students on the basis of their aptitude, interests and Personality.


Students education that is backed by scientific choices results in great value for parents.

Successful Alumni

Because success follows people who do what they are actually passionate about.

Why Should Schools Have Psychometric Tests For Their Students?

The Ideal Parent Journey!


Offers better understadning of student's strengths and personality. 


Helps students identify their best suited career.


Tested and approved by 200+ professional.


Constantly updating algorithm according to emerging careers.


Ideal for students between Grade 8th to 12th.

About Us

Mind Path Detox Research and Development is a young organisation, started by a group of enthusiastic educationists with cumulative experience of over 40 years in various fields and having more than 10 Internationally Recognised Certification in Career Counselling  


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